This is not meant to scare you, just think!
- 18 month old child required16 stitches in the face from yes, a Golden Retriever! One of the most common things we hear is "He has never bitten before".
- 4 year old child was reaching for a book, stood on the bottom shelf and down came the bookshelf ! "Nail them to the wall"
- 3 year old child was in Daddy's car while he was washing it and put the car into neutral. The car rolled backwards and landed on the neighbor's front grass. Luckily the child only ended up with 2 stitches. The sad part of the story is that Dad saw it happening and tried to stop the car from rolling and the car ran over him. He had some serious injuries, but was okay.
- 8 year old child standing behind Dad as he was batting at a baseball game. Dad threw the bat and hit the child in the face. (Took the child's first 4 front teeth out!)
- 9 year old riding down a set of stairs with bike and no helmet. "Boys will be boys!"
Until next time, take care and be safe!
Nicole Turney
Being the mother of a two year old I can thank you for creating this list as it will make me think next time I am not watching or thinking.
Hey Nicki: Great blog. I have also worked in emerg. and so many of the injuries could of been prevented. Great list for many parents who have no idea.
Wow...such incredible stories, thanks for sharing them. I'll surely try to learn from the clients' mishaps.
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